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Welcome to Baldursgate Farm and Kennel!


​We are a small family run kennel located in Eastern CT.  We breed one or two litters a year. We have been involved with German Shorthaired Pointers for 15 years. I have been involved with sporting breeds all my life but it wasn't until  my first Shorthair that I found a perfect fit, a truly versatile dog. As a versatile dog, it is important that a Shorthair embodies the breed standard, in all capacities. No part of the breed standard is less important than the other. Temperament is absolutely important, for that is what makes the Shorthair lovable, easy to train, and easy to live with. Shorthairs love people and thrive in a family environment, therefore keeping with the breed standard in temperament creates the qualities of the breed that allow them to welcomed in the home as a family member yet have drive in the field and competition. As important as temperament is, it should not eclipsed other qualities such as conformation and hunting ability. The conformation of the Shorthair is the backbone of the breeds versatility. Correct conformation allows the Shorthair to exhibit great stamina and agility with little effort while enhancing the dogs ability to find game. Whether  you are looking for a family companion, a hunting companion, a field competition dog, a show dog, an agility, rally or obedience dog...the Shorthair can truly do it all, and do it all well.


As a breeder, I strive to maintain the breed standard in all capacities, not placing more importance one quality over another. All features of the breed are equally important in keeping the Shorthair a truly versatile dog for future generations.


Our dogs live in the house with us and are part of our family. They all actively compete in field trials and have been trained and handled exclusively by us in the field. They enrich our lives in ways we never imagined. The one thing I can say with certainty, is that our learning curve is much steeper than theirs.....




View the new GSPCA Illustrated Breed Standard here

View the AKC Breed Standard here

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